About Us

Dave and Juliet Pokorny visited the Moth in NYC in 2010. This had such an impact that they came back to Petaluma and created West Side Stories Petaluma. They knew that Petaluma was a town that would embrace this community event. Starting at Cinnabar Theater to Pelican Art Gallery to Sonoma Portworks and the Hotel Petaluma and finally in 2023 to our current home The Polly Klaas Community Theater. In 2015 West Side Stories expanded it’s GrandSlam to The Mystic Theatre, selling out at 450 every year. It’s a city-wide “don’t want to miss” event.
Juliet Pokorny: She spent 30 years producing and stage managing, starting in San Francisco as a AEA Stage Manager, working at the American Conservatory Theatre, The Berkeley Rep and Theatre on the Square to name a few. She worked at Pixar Animation Studios, working on four feature films and several short films, then Production Manager for the Center for Performing Arts at Sonoma State University until finally she and Dave opened up their own shingle here in town Once Upon A Slush, located in American Alley.
Dave Pokorny: made his living as a stand-up comic in San Francisco and has worked with such talent as Ellen DeGeneres, Jim Carrey, Bob Saget to name a few. He has created and performed his one-man show called Based on a True Story. Working in the grocery business for over 30 years until finally she and Dave opened up their own shingle here in town Once Upon A Slush, located in American Alley.
Dave Pokorny Presents is the Producing Umbrella for all of our projects; West Side Stories Petaluma, Story Behind the Story Podcast, Wine Country Spoken Word Festival, Comics Stripped and any other cool idea we might have in the future.
Together Dave & Juliet make the perfect producing team.